

The e好处 functionality allows New Hires and Newly 好处-Eligible employees to use My菠菜网lol正规平台 to enroll in various benefit 计划s. 你必须参加福利计划 在受雇/获得资格后60天内. 根据你的工作分类,你 may be eligible to enroll 你自己, and in many instances, your family, in the following benefit 计划s: Medical, Dental, Medical Flex Cash, Dental Flex Cash, Flex Spending Health (HCRA) and Flex Spending Dependent (DCRA).


  1. 自助服务→福利→新登记
  2. Select your current marital status from the drop-down menu


  1. 选择 Medical Plan in which you wish to enroll from the drop-down menu 
    信息: 单击 工作人员教师 or MPP /机密 hyperlink, as appropriate to your job classification, to get more 信息 about 医疗计划和供应商 
    重要的是: 如果你选择蓝盾健保组织 提供初级保健 字段是必需的。


  1. If eligible for FlexCash 计划, first decline medical coverage. 选择 覆盖率下降 拒绝医疗保险的单选按钮
  2. To enroll in Medical FlexCash 计划, select the 新注册 radio button under the Medical FlexCash section 
    信息: 单击 FlexCash计划 hyperlink to get more 信息 about this 计划
  3. Provide your alternate medical insurance policy 信息 including the following:
    • 社会安全号码 of the person who holds the alternate policy under which you are covered
    • 备选医疗保险公司名称
    • 保单号码


  1. 选择 Dental Plan in which you wish to enroll from the drop-down menu 
    信息: 单击 工作人员教师 or MPP /机密 hyperlink, as appropriate to your job classification, to get more 信息 about 牙科计划和提供者 
    重要的是: 如果选择DeltaCare USA-Enhanced,则 主局号 字段是必需的。. 你可以使用 选择提供者 hyperlink to search for a Primary Dental Office ID


  1. If eligible for FlexCash 计划, first decline dental coverage. 选择 覆盖率下降 单选按钮拒绝牙科保险
  2. 要参加牙科FlexCash计划,请选择 新注册 radio button under the Dental FlexCash section 
    信息: 单击 FlexCash计划 hyperlink to get more 信息 about this 计划
  3. Provide your alternate dental insurance policy 信息 including the following:
    • 社会安全号码 of the person who holds the alternate policy under which you are covered
    • 备选牙科保险公司名称
    • 保单号码

How do I enroll in a Flex Spending Health (HCRA) and/or Flex Spending Dependent (DCRA) 计划?

  1. Under 医疗保健报销 账户 (HCRA), select the 新注册 单选按钮加入HCRA计划
  2. Under 受抚养人护理报销帐户 (DCRA), select the 新注册 单选按钮注册DCRA计划 
    信息: 单击 医疗保健报销 账户 or 受抚养人护理报销帐户 hyperlink to get more 信息 about these 计划s
  3. As appropriate, type in your deduction amount in the 每月HCRA金额 字段和/或 每月DCRA金额 场

How do I enroll your eligible dependents in my Medical and/or Dental 计划?

  1. 单击 添加新的依赖项 按钮以添加新的依赖项
  2. 进入 个人信息 被依赖的人
  3. 进入 添加ress & 电话 信息
  4. If address and ph一个 are the same as the 员工, then mark the 与雇员地址相同 复选框
  5. 单击 OK button to save the new dependent in the database and return to the 新注册 页面 
    重要的是: You must have a medical or 牙科计划 selected for 你自己 before you can cover your eligible dependents in the same 计划
  6. Select 添加 from the Medical Coverage drop-down menu to cover the corresponding dependent in 你的医疗计划
  7. Select 添加 from the Dental Coverage drop-down menu to cover the corresponding dependent in your 牙科计划


  1. After you have made all your elections on the 新注册 页面, click the 继续 按钮位于页面底部
  2. 保险生效日期: Review this section to understand when your new elections will be effective
  3. 资格文件: Review this section to find out if any additional documentation is needed by your 好处 Representative before your elections can be finalized
  4. 披露及私隐声明: Click this hyperlink to read the disclosures and privacy 信息 about the benefit 你选择的计划
  5. 读完 披露及私隐资料, mark the check-box to affirm that you have read it and understand it
  6. 单击 标志 button to electronically authorize your elections
  7. 单击 提交 button to 送你r final choices to the 好处 Department
  8. 读完 信息 on this 页面, click the OK button
    重要的是: You and your 好处 Service Representative will receive an 电子邮件通知 indicating that you have submitted your benefits enrollment. 在2个工作日内 your 好处 Service Representative will process and finalize your elections and 送你 另一个电子邮件通知 表明您的福利登记是 完成 由福利部.
    The 电子邮件通知s are sent to your preferred email address on your My菠菜网lol正规平台 account. If you have not saved your preferred email address in My菠菜网lol正规平台, please update it under Self Service→ 个人信息→ Email 添加resses.
    员工 without a preferred email address in My菠菜网lol正规平台 will be contacted via ph一个 由他们的福利服务代表提供.