五项RSCA: 教师 Short Talks on the CHIPS and 科学 Act

The CHIPS and 科学 Act, signed into law in 2022, aims to catalyze domestic semiconductor 研究与制造. Please join 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty as they discuss how their research intersects with this historic act and potential implications for 硅谷, its economy, and the development of an informed citizenry and highly skilled workforce.

当: 2024年5月10日,周五,上午11点开始.m. 至下午1时.m.
地点: 灵魂般的225
格式: One-hour program with lunch and networking thereafter

为事件注册 我们的回复表格.

菠菜网lol正规平台 welcomes the following faculty who will be presenting their research.



Dr. Behin同时 joined 菠菜网lol正规平台 as an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial 和2023年秋季的系统工程. 在加入上海外国语大学之前,她是副教授 普渡大学,韦恩堡(2016-2023). 她是一个顾问和项目经理 of the 业务 Waste Reduction Assistance Program (BWRAP), a partnership between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), University of Toledo, and Lucas County 俄亥俄州(2012-2016).

Her research interests include application of robotics and virtual reality in manufacturing systems, human-robot interaction and collaboration, data mining, machine learning, 优化医疗保健系统、运营
research, decision making algorithms, supply chain optimization, lean manufacturing, water quality assessments, modeling and simulation of complex systems such as healthcare 系统和自动化制造系统.


  • Ph.D.,工业工程,托莱多大学



运筹学,工业物联网 & 机器人,供应链计划,质量控制 & 医疗保健


同时, Tokaldany, “Application of Internet of Things-Aided Simulation and Digital Twin Technology in Smart Manufacturing”, in Advances in Mathematics for Industry 4.0,编辑 拉姆,M.,出版社:学术出版社,爱思唯尔,页.p. 335-359, 2020.  

同时阿拉斯蒂和穆罕默德. "Application of proximity sensors to enhance ambient awareness 对于六轴机械臂来说." Proceedings of International Annual Conference on Mechatronic Sensors, Resistivity, and Resistance (ICMSRR 2020), Boston, MA. 2020.

Alasti, 同时, Mohammadpour, “Risk-Preventative Workforce Training Using Virtual Reality in Automated 机器人站点”,工业模拟4.0、过去、现在和未来,由 Gunal, M.,出版社:Springer, 2019.



杰森金 is the Industry 研究 Alliances Specialist in the 创新办公室 在圣何塞州立大学. 在这个职位上,他支持大学的产业 research portfolio and partnership development with industry collaborators. 他是 the point of contact for 菠菜网lol正规平台’s institutional membership with the NextFlex consortium. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 和M.A. 在西北大学获得学士学位.S. 从埃默里 University, having trained as a cognitive and behavioral neuroscientist in speech 听力科学.



克里斯托弗·斯莫尔伍德爆头Christopher 斯莫尔伍德

Talk Title: Optical characterization of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Christopher 斯莫尔伍德 is an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy 在圣何塞州立大学 (菠菜网lol正规平台), where he runs an experimental research group investigating optical properties of solid-state materials. 他获得了物理AB from Harvard College in 2005 where he conducted precision measurements of atomic rubidium vapor, and he received a PhD in Physics from UC Berkeley in 2014 where he developed techniques in time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study high-temperature 超导体. He spent two years as a postdoctoral research associate at JILA (University of Colorado and the National Institute of Standards and Technology) from 2014–2016 and two years as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Physics at the University of Michigan from 2016–2018, where he specialized in using ultrafast spectroscopy techniques to study light-matter interactions in solid-state media. 大学之间 and graduate school, he also taught fifth grade from 2005–2007 with Teach For America 在德克萨斯州Mission的Leo James Leo小学. 斯莫尔伍德是奖项的获得者 including the 2013 Lars Commins Memorial Award in Experimental Physics at UC Berkeley (awarded to only 一个 graduate student per year at the university), and he was honored in 2024 at 菠菜网lol正规平台's annual Author and Artist Celebration for his recently published textbook, "光学多维相干光谱学."


  • Ph.D.加州大学伯克利分校物理系



Optical Spectroscopy, Materials 科学, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter Physics


Li, Hebin, Lomsadze, Moody, 斯莫尔伍德康迪夫. 光学多维相干光谱学. 英国牛津 大学出版社,2023. ISBN 978-0-19-284386-9

梅洛迪,帕特尔,阮,还有 斯莫尔伍德. 低成本正交光学干涉仪. 美国物理学杂志[j].2 (2023): 132-141. http://doi.org/10.1119/5.0110405

斯莫尔伍德等。. 金刚石中隐藏的硅空位中心. 物理评论快报126.21 (2021): 213601. http://doi.org/10.1103 / PhysRevLett.126.213601



云王 is an Assistant Professor of 生物医学工程. 她的主要目标 research is to ensure public health through novel detection and diagnosis approaches, 特别是生物传感器. Her research mainly focuses on rapid disease diagnosis, biosystem monitoring, disease-causing agent detection, product safety assurance, and genetic 病原体和疾病的研究. Her recent work investigates new biosensing technologies and develops novel biosensors for medical, biological, and environmental applications, which are multifunctional, user-friendly, and cost- and time-effective. Dr. 小王工作 as a research biochemist at the US Food and Drug 政府 before joining 菠菜网lol正规平台. 她获得了博士学位.D. in Biosystems 工程 from Michigan State University in 2014年,M.S. in Biological 工程 from the University of Arkansas in 2008. 


  • Ph.D.,密歇根州立大学生物系统工程专业



Biosensors, Disease Diagnosis, Food/Water 安全, Nanotechnology


Nanthakumar, Deshpande,和 . “Self-powered Biosensor for Rapid Pathogen Detection”. 国家生物医学系统 工程学会年会,2010年10月. 2023.

,席尔,弗莱和邓肯. 2020. 量子点纳米生物传感器的快速检测 E型肉毒杆菌神经毒素. ACS的传感器. 5 (7), 2118-2127.

, Fewins和Alocilja. 2015. 基于纳米粒子的电化学免疫传感器 Signal Enhancement for Escherichia coli O157:H7 Detection. 传感器学报,15(8):662 - 662。 4692-4699.