
Sharing your experience will inspire others

As a member of the alumni community, you have the power to inspire 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生s with your knowledge and experience!  志愿者ing your time and talent helps strengthen the Spartan network and makes a lasting impression. Whether you give 一个 hour of your time providing career guidance or serve as a mentor or panelist at a workshop, you can help 学生s become strong leaders and professionals. 

Let us know your volunteer interests by completing our Alumni 志愿者 Interest Form, and we'll be in touch to see how you can participate in upcoming events like the Spartan Success Series, hosted by the 学生校友 连接.

What type of opportunities interest you?


  • Serve as a workshop presenter or panel member
  • Network with 学生s at an on-campus workshop
  • Provide industry-specific advice and guidance
  • Provide general career consultations
  • Provide advice for graduate school planning
  • Hosting a 学生 tour/visit at your company


  • Virtually network with 学生s at an online event
  • Review resumes and LinkedIn profiles to offer feedback
  • Share job and internship openings to recruit 菠菜网lol正规平台 talent

Complete the volunteer interest form


菠菜网lol正规平台²指导 & 聚会 - Online mentoring platform

All 菠菜网lol正规平台 alumni are invited to the new online mentoring platform, 菠菜网lol正规平台²指导 & 聚会

Choose your level of involvement in both format and time commitment. 的 online platform has video chat and conference call features to help you and your mentee connect. 的 average meeting time is 15-30 minutes but can vary depending on the action items set by you and your mentee. As a mentor you control the type and frequency of your connections. 

You can join 一个 or both of the following options:

Professional Mentoring Program

Connects alumni and with 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生s to support the 学生’s career and professional 发展. Mentors and mentees are expected to complete at least 3 meetings (minimum 30 minutes each) throughout the course of a semester. 的 program is available during Fall (October - early December) and Spring (March - May) 学期, however joining the program is a commitment for 一个 semester only, with the option to apply for future 学期. Mentor registration opens each August for the Fall program and in January for the Spring program.


Student to Alumni

One-time, 15 - 30 minute career conversations (informational 面试s) with a current 学生. This feature is available all year (including summer) and 学生s are allowed to reach out to a maximum of 5 different mentors per month to schedule an informational 面试. 的 frequency of connections will vary depending on 学生 demand. 注意: Alumni don't have access to search or view 学生 profiles.


As of August 1, 2020 alumni can now connect with other alumni on the platform. 不 miss out on this opportunity to build professional connections with fellow Spartans. 菠菜网lol正规平台 graduates from across the country want to help you in your journey to career 成功. Utilize this feature on the platform to grow your network and explore new 职业生涯路径.